Germania - -

Friedland Dairy

Friedland Dairy (DE)

Friedland Dairy

Construction of the substructure and superstructure for a dairy barn and feed storage shed

The 6,600-square-meter dairy barn is equipped with wooden purlins and beams. At the center of the barn is a dedicated robot area housing eight milking robots, enabling the farm to achieve highly efficient milk production. The four slatted floors are equipped with manure scrapers that transport manure to two slurry pits located at the gable ends of the barn.

Construction and extension
In 2023, Genugten Agri successfully built the original barn, focusing on efficiency, sustainability, and an animal-friendly design. This modern facility allows Friedland Dairy to meet all the requirements of contemporary dairy farming.

In 2024, we were commissioned to extend the barn by 40 meters. The work was executed according to a strict schedule:

  • November 2024: Foundation work for the barn extension began.
  • December 2024: Placement of the trusses and roof structure.
  • January 2025: Completion of the gable wall and internal concrete work.

In addition, a deep litter barn was constructed, offering enhanced animal welfare and additional flexibility for farm management.

With this extension, Friedland Dairy is prepared for the future, benefiting from increased capacity and a robust infrastructure that ensures high efficiency and maximum returns.
